sebelum nak belajar english....mesti kena pandai grammar,speaking kan?...ok jom study grammar dulu..ok :)
1)noun (kata nama)
nama semua benda,orang,tempat,idea&lain
everything around you are nouns.
2)Pronoun (kata ganti nama)
replace noun.he,she, it ,we,you,i,me,ours,theirs,mine,yours,his&hers
3)adjective (kata sifat)
describes a noun or pronoun.
The building is tall.
(noun) (adjective)
4)Verb (kata kerja)
shows any action - walk,run,shout,jump,read,sing,eat,etc.
shows state of being - is,are,,do,does,was,were,etc.
5)Adverb (kata keterangan)
describes a verb
ex: walk quickly
6)Preposition (kata depan)
they are use to show location,time,movement and space.placed before nouns
7)conjunction (kata Hubung)
words that joins other words together
ex: and,but,so,because,yet,therefore,etc
shows emotions
ex: Wow! Hi! Hey! Ouch!